International Partnerships

As part of our collaborative work, since 2000 Annousakeio Institution has developed apprenticeships and internships for graduates and students from nursing partners from abroad, mainly Norway. Our aim is to provide a training program to demonstrate the differences in patient care systems and also care in the community, such as the Kissamos District Homecare, where trainees can acquire skills and knowledge of  a different culture and a new socio-economic environment.

The program promotes the apprentices’ skills on personal hygiene, individual care, basic daily needs, as well as tasks such as nursing, occupational therapy, movement therapy and escorting patients to social events. The duration of the program varies from two weeks to three months, with an average of six groups per year. The number of participants varies from 1 to 10 people. Students come via the Erasmus European Program  for work experience, learning basic communication in Greek, attending cultural events and to participate in a different culture.

The aims of the apprenticeship programs are:

• Cultivating an international atmosphere in the Foundation,
• Exchange of views and ideas among partners,
• Improvement of the English language by health workers,
• adherence to high standards for the operation of the care system in order to meet international standards,
• improving the role of  staff as health professionals
• transmission of Greek culture and tradition.